Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Honestly About My Recent Experiences

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to your blog!
    I suggest you add "Follow by email" gadget to your blog (Layout>Insert Gadget>Follow by email). That way I can subscribe the blog directly to my email, and can react when the entry still is new.

    I really like the Google presentation you have made! Quite thought provoking to notice that language teaching does not (always) attempt to make students communicate! For me the essence of languages is communication.

    I especially like slide 19, where you bring up extremely important themes under the title "Sensibility" (not that there is anything wrong with "sense" section either!). I almost suggest that you could write separate entries of all the themes mentioned on slide 19!

    - Irmeli

    PS Check the settings of your blog, please. What I especially would appreciate is, if you could take off word verification (instructions are in the handout I shared with you). My commenting becomes so much easier and quicker, if I don't have to struggle with the letter-number algorithm!
