Having been looking back over my shoulder for almost 4 years by now.
Guess what? I learned that it is in fashion and is viewed as Reflecting.
All in all, my self-analysis was aligned with trying to identify what brings me true satisfaction and leads to personal development and liberation.Mysterious things have happened, I cannot refer to them otherwise. My friend recalls that while staying off-teaching I was confiding on her that I was dreaming to get self-employed and self-determine my career as a tutor. Myself, I somehow erased that from my short-term memory. But anyway it is good to listen to myself, so I decided to make a U-turn and release entrepreneurship spirit from an oil lamp :)
So chronologically:
1997 - Graduated from Ivanovo State University where I was given a chance to try my hand on lecturing on World Literature, conducting seminars, group-teaching English as a third foreign language to students of the Department of Germanic and Romance Languages.
1997-1999 Post-graduate studies and teaching World Literature
1999-2002 Very exciting career of an interpreter at a large earth-moving machinery manufacturing plant
2002 - moved to Belarus and continued to work for business and trade
2009 - tried my hand as a luxury Spanish real estate seller. It did not go like in the movies, I got downsized so I bravely pulled out from the curb to the direction of further self-development. It came as an insight that teacher career is what I like to pursue. No dull lectures, down-to-earth, creative solutions for an effective language teaching.
2013 - teacher studies to implement the desired.
I guess I'm partial to entrepreneurship, because when I first read your summer assignment, that was the first thing that struck out to me from your story! It's never a bed idea to combine an entrepreneurial mindset to teaching. It's definitely one way to keep personal development.
ReplyDelete- Irmeli
Äh, it should be "not a bad idea", not "bed idea" :)
ReplyDelete- Irmeli
And thanks for checking the settings!
ReplyDelete- Irmeli